Thoughts on Abandonment and Loneliness

Thoughts on Abandonment

Have you experienced a “dark night of the soul” because you felt totally abandoned? Here are some thoughts on abandonment and loneliness. These may help. 

Here are some things to remember:

First, Jesus, on the cross, cried out “Why have you forsaken me”? Jesus – who was eternally in connected with the Father and Holy Spirit, for the first time experienced total, utter, abandonment. Can you get that mental picture in your head? Here is God who has forever (always, eternally) been in community, here is God, now alone. Utterly alone.

Not only that, but, secondly, He went through that to ensure that those of us who know Him will never have to go through it. Read that again. You won’t ever be alone because Jesus was alone for you in your place.

You may feel alone, but if you know Jesus, you will never be alone. Remember that. It feels real. It feels like you are really alone. But you aren’t. Your head knows that. It is simply a matter of getting your heart to believe it.

Thirdly, because He was alone – really alone – He knows what it feels like. He’s been there. Only in His case, as opposed to your case, He really was alone. You only feel alone. Which brings me to my final point.

So, what is to be done?

First, you must remember. Remember that if you belong to Jesus you aren’t alone – though you may feel like it. Also remember that He knows what that feeling is like – He’s been there and beyond (He really was alone). You have an advocate.

Second you must fight your feelings with truth. The battle is in your mind. You must get your mind to control your feelings. You must fight the feeling of being alone with the fact that you are not alone.

There is a difference between the thoughts your brain produces, and you mind’s ability to control those thoughts. This is why the Scriptures tell us to “take every thought captive” (2 Cor. 10:5). You do that by using your mind. And the Bible says we have the “mind of Christ” (1 Cor. 2:16).

How do you do these things (remember and fight feelings with facts)?

Quite simply, you go to the Cross.

Never forget in the darkness what you have learned in the light.

Go to Him.

Run to Him.

Talk to Him.

Listen to Him. Read what He has told you in His word.

Your feelings of abandonment may be just the vehicle God is using to drive you to Himself. And that’s a good place to be in spite of your feelings because God’s power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Cor. 12:9).

My prayer for you is that you will do that. And in doing so, that He will become more real to you today.

Questions: What can you do to remember what God says about your despair and loneliness? What Scriptures can you use to talk back against your thoughts? Will you ask God to help you to remember and catch your thoughts and then stop them dead in their tracks?

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